How You Can Help
The Sylas Project

We've put together a few ways to support The Sylas Project that can bring change to our children's future and help families avoid a lifetime of grief.



100% of donations go directly to give children survival swim lessons for families in need. Every dollar helps so much.

If you are part of a brand or company and want to make an impact in your community, please reach out.


Use your gift to push change

Do you have experience in public speaking? Do you have a large social following or platform? Experience in design, video, marketing, social media, or websites? Are you in the healthcare industry? Do you make safety products, alarms, or fences? Do you have a personal story you feel compelled to share? We want to hear what ideas you have to reach more parents. Statistics have not changed in decades. We need you more than ever.



It is much more powerful for your family and friends to hear this directly from you. Share The Sylas Project with your loved ones, especially those with kids so they are aware that drowning is the leading cause of death in children under 4.


Pediatric Offices

We have created informational water safety handouts to pass out to families. Please contact us for more information on how to get these for your practice.

Follow us on Instagram @TheSylasProject

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